CHIA A-Anulude
1 min readSep 2, 2022

I’m fascinated by the essence/idea of creation.

Conception to Pregnancy to a baby. Human creation essentially.

Thoughts to things

Imagination to reality

Something from nothing.

We live in a generation where everyone is so focused, obsessed even, with the finished product hardly paying any mind to the process.

Is anything ever really finished?

As soon as one thing seems complete another journey begins, sometimes simultaneously so consider this page as documentation of everything between conception and the finished product that is Chia.

I seem to write more when I’m upset than when I’m in a good place. Maybe because I like to live, soak up and enjoy as much of the good that exists for as long as possible. The process can be tedious, resentful and darn right depressing so maybe writing is my way of living through it till it gets better again. If you don’t hear from me, it means I'm good lol

I hope no one reads any of this but if you do, keep it between us.

My Projects:

CHIA A-Anulude

I am Chia Anyaegbu-Anulude. Thinker, Founder of TAHG, Gap-tooth Radio, and Host at TAHG Social.. I write stuff.