You Have What You Want

CHIA A-Anulude
3 min readOct 28, 2020


God Vs. Devil

Good Vs. Evil

Literally just now posting this. I realised if you give one letter and take one letter from God and Devil, you get Good and Evil. Planned or pure coincidence? Hmm…


Light Vs. Darkness

Peace Vs. War

Creation Vs. Destruction

Love Vs. Hate

Positive Vs. Negative

With every Word and opposite mentioned, the common denominator is that one gives and one takes away. I think it’s better to be on the giving side than the receiving. What I’ve come to realise is that; to give you must already “have”. One cannot exist without the other. When you give, you are automatically in the initial position of ‘having’. Otherwise, what/how are you giving?

Ever heard the term, givers never lack?

It may be because it’s literally impossible to ‘not have’ when you give. All spiritual laws prove this. The law of karma, law of attraction etc. To give is to operate from a state of abundance. That’s why I love kids. Even they know that sharing is not subtraction but alt-addition. When you share, you gain a friend, you gain trust, an ally forever.

To receive, you must give.

To give, you must receive.

To receive or take is to be in an initial state of want & discontent. You must be in the position of lack or greed to keep taking. Not that it is bad to receive, but if you are consistent in taking, you are constantly in need.

Whenever I feel a moment of lack, gratitude reminds me that I got loads in the bank. What I like to call the ‘have-bank’ Gratitude helps me get rid of the feeling of being broke and wanting. Those moments I think “I don’t have enough ________” I switch to gratification mode and finished off thought with “but I have ______” This opens up a door to creative thinking. Think “What’s in my have-bank and what can I buy with it”. ‘Buying’ is simply exchanging something of value for something you want, right?

I challenge you to flip the script! Stay grateful. If you want something, don’t nag or get depressed about it. Look in your have-bank! If you have been solely focused on receiving, you’ll soon realise a pattern in feeling that you never have enough.

If you recognise this feeling, perhaps you should start an audit for your ‘Have- bank’ right now. To do that, follow these steps.

  1. Pull out a pen and paper and write down everything you have/own. Start as simple as possible. e.g Parents, a house, clothes, a smartphone, Facebook, etc

2. Be grateful for all you have. Visualise this, for each thing you’ve listed, someone else is writing it down right now on their wish list.

3. Ask yourself “What can I give to/from this list to get what I want?

4. Write down 5 ideas on what to give

5. Execute. Most importantly, take action.

Everything in moderation they say. But, if you must tilt the the giver! You’ll feel so much better. This strategy has worked for me over many years. I hope it helps you too!




CHIA A-Anulude

I am Chia Anyaegbu-Anulude. Thinker, Founder of TAHG, Gap-tooth Radio, and Host at TAHG Social.. I write stuff.